Gary Lail Thurmon

Born: November 16th, 1942

Died: December 29th, 2015


Thurmon, Gary Lail

LUBBOCK-Gary Lail Thurmon passed away Dec. 29, 2015. The youngest of 11, born 1942, he graduated Plainview High School and attended West Texas State College on a Music Scholarship. He later entered the Army and was stationed in Colorado Springs. Twice he served as a Cottage Parent alongside Carolyn Sue Thurmon at the Lubbock Children's Home. He was a welder by trade, but his true love was music. He was an accomplished singer and highly talented on the guitar and banjo.

He is survived by three daughters, three sisters, one brother, seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Published in The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal on Jan. 1, 2016

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