Omar J. Burleson

Born: November 17th, 1937

Died: September 26th, 2004


Burleson, Omar J.

LOCKNEY - Omar J. Burleson, 66, died Sunday, Sept. 26, 2004.

Services will be at 2 p.m. today in First United Methodist Church with the Rev. Neely Landrum, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Plainview Memorial Park Cemetery by Bartley Funeral Home of Plainview.

Mr. Burleson was born Nov. 17, 1937, in Stanford. He married Ruth Mangum on June 17, 1983, in Lockney.

Survivors include his wife; two daughters, Jennifer Timms of Lockney and Julie James of Cullman, Ala.; a son, Todd Burleson of Westbrook; a brother, James Burleson of Roswell, N.M.; a sister, Evelyn Thompson of Lafayette, La.; and seven grandchildren.

Amarillo Globe-News, Sept. 29, 2004

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