William Berwin, Mrs. (Cleo D. Young) Tilson

Born: March 26th, 1917

Died: January 11th, 2018


Tilson, William Berwin, Mrs. (Cleo D. Young)

Cleo D. Tilson, 100, of Plainview died at home Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018. Funeral services will be held at 10 am, Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2018 in the Chapel at First United Methodist Church of Plainview with Pastor Mike Schafer officiating. Interment will follow at Plainview Memorial Park under the direction of Kornerstone Funeral Directors.

Cleo was born May 26, 1917 in Plainview, Texas to Clyde and Lura Young. She grew up in the Bellview Community and graduated from Plainview High in 1935. She married William Berwin Tilson on November 27, 1935. They lived on the farm in the same community for 74 years until his death December 18, 2009. As a dedicated wife and mother, she was active as a Sunday School teacher at First United Methodist Church, and homeroom mother at Lamar and Ash Elementeries. She was a talented artist and an exceptional cook. During their marriage they traveled extensively with the American and Texas Soybean Associations, where she was hostess to foreign agricultural dignitaries. After their retirement, they enjoyed traveling with the Good Sams Club. She was a member of the Hooten-Dean Sunday School class and later the Disciples Sunday School class at First United Methodist Church.

She is survived by a daughter, Kaylene Ramsey of Plainview; three granddaughters Marla Kay Howard of Plainview, Rhonda Pierce and husband Tony of Amarillo, and Lori Lovell Waller and husband Gary of Georgetown, TX; three great-grandchildren David Howard of Plainview, Deidre Howard of Portales, NM; and Britini Langdon and husband Logan of Colorado Springs, CO along with several nieces and nephews.

She is preceded in death by her husband; a sister Willora Terrell; a baby son Larry Kent Tilson; a daughter Karen Haydon; and a granddaughter Holly Haydon.

Memorials can be made to a favorite charity.

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