Anthony (Stonewall) Jackson

Born: December 12th, 1949

Died: May 25th, 2008


Jackson, Anthony (Stonewall)

Anthony "Stonewall" Jackson, 58, of New Deal, TX, were held at 11:00 am Friday, May 30, 2008, at the Bethel Baptist Church, Abernathy, TX, with Rev. Willie R. Bolton, pastor, officiating.

Burial followed in the Abernathy Cemetery under the direction of Abell Funeral Home of Abernathy, TX.

He was born December 12, 1949 in Bastrop, TX, the 4th oldest of 9 children, to Flenoid and Appleree Jackson. He was a longtime resident of New Deal, TX and attended New Deal Schools. He was a loving Father and had an outstanding personality. His favorite saying was, "Well Fellas, like the tomato said to the potato, I'll dig ya later."

He is survived by his Mother, Appleree Jackson of New Deal, TX, 2 sons, Don Jackson and Anthony Jackson both of Lubbock, TX, 6 brothers, Joe, Lee, Sammy and Jimmy all of Lubbock, TX, Flenoid of San Antonio, TX and Edward of Lake Jackson, TX, 2 sisters, Pearlie Jackson of Garland, TX and Mable Mathis of Sweeny, TX and 5 grandchildren.

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