Lloyd Milton Garrett

Born: October 26th, 1925

Died: December 28th, 2007


Garrett, Lloyd Milton

Services for Lloyd Milton Garrett, 82, of Abernathy, will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, Dec. 31, 2007, in the First Baptist Church with Rev. Mike O'Donnell, pastor, officiating.

Burial will follow services in the Abernathy Cemetery, under the direction of Abell Funeral Home of Abernathy.

Mr. Garrett died Friday, Dec. 28, 2007, in Lubbock.

He was born Oct. 26, 1925 in Roscoe, and was raised in Deming, N.M., where he farmed. Oct. 3, 1954 he married Jeanne Marie Smith; she died on June 9, 1975. March 14, 1987, he and Clydena Dorothy Hull married in Deming, N.M. He was employed at the New Mexico Highway Department for 14 years after farming and retired in 1988. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in Deming and Abernathy.

He was preceded in death by four brothers and four sisters.

He is survived by his wife, Clydena Garrett of Abernathy; five children, Larry Garrett and his wife, Jennifer, of Salem, Ore., Lynda Marburger and her husband, Michael, of Lubbock, Sondra Myers and her husband, Clark, of Rosebud, Bill Teague and his wife, Lorraine, of Copperas Cove, and Pat Brightbill and her husband, Darryl, of Abernathy. He is also survived by a brother, Harvey Garrett and his wife, Faith, of Wilcox, Ariz.; two sisters, Valerie Goesling of Albuquerque, N.M. and Joe Ann Gantz and her husband, Dale, of Las Cruces, N.M.; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

The family suggests memorials be sent to the First Baptist Church, 411 7th Street, Abernathy, TX 79311.

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