John Joseph, Mrs. (Mary Virginia (Dear) Mixon) Kirchhoff

Born: January 30th, 1926

Died: December 11th, 2015


Kirchhoff, John Joseph, Mrs. (Mary Virginia (Dear) Mixon)

Mary Virginia Kirchhoff Longtime Civic and Community Leader Mary Virginia Mixon Kirchhoff, 89, went to meet the Lord in Nacogdoches on Thursday, Dec. 11, 2015. Mary Virginia, known to her friends and family as "Dear," was the fourth of five daughters born to the late Ollie and Ashley Mixon on Jan. 30, 1926, in Wilson Creek, Missouri. "Dear" graduated from Plainview High School, attended Texas Tech University; she received a BFA in Speech Drama from Texas Christian University. She married the late John Joseph Kirchhoff, and they lived together in Plainview, Texas, until she relocated to Nacogdoches in 2003. Diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease 40 years ago, Mary Virginia (Dear) Kirchhoff never gave up. She never complained, and maintained a brave and cheerful outlook of an optimistic future. She became a member of Christ Episcopal Church of Nacogdoches in 2003 and was active in the Choir and the Daughters of the King. While living in Plainview, Dear was a member of the First Christian Church from 1955 to 2003. She served as President of Christian Women's Fellowship, Youth Director, Deaconess, and was one of two women first elected to Church Board of Directors. She served as Vacation Bible School Director, Choir Director, Sunday School Teacher, Hospital Volunteer, and Chairman of Deaconess. Her years of community service serves as a model for anyone willing to work for the benefit of others. Mary Virginia had a servant's heart. Generous with her time and talents Mary Virginia was a member and served in numerous and varied organizations, including: 1953 Junior Service League, President; President of League, Received License for Day Nursery, forerunner to Wee Care Center; 1953 Plainview Women's Club (President and Charter Member); 1953 United Fund, Charter Member, Chairman, Farm Division; 1953 Charter Member Pi Beta Phi Sorority at Texas Tech University; 1954 Assisted with Black Community Nursery; 1956 Re-organized Library Summer Reading Program; 1963 Pi Beta Phi Representative to city Panhellenic; 1964 Texas Federation Women's Clubs (State Chairman of Americanism); 1964 Organized Two Federation Junior Clubs; 1964 First State Commission of the Arts, Appointed by Gov. John Connally Jr.; 1965 Hi-Plains Mental Retardation Foundation Board; 1965 Bryson Club, TCU; 1965 Appointed First Chairman and Organizer of the Women's Activities Committee of the West Texas Chamber of Commerce, Representing 132 counties, 1.5 million women; 1966 Organized Plainview Women's Chamber of Commerce; 1971 Executive Director Federal Government's Emergency School Assistance Program; 1963 PTA College Hill Elementary, President; 1971 Host Family for Plainview Independent School District Foreign Exchange Student; 1980 Text Book Selection Committee, PISD; 1982 Text Book Selection Committee, PISD; 1983-1986 Cheerleader Sponsor, Coronado Jr. High; 1987 Drug Seminar, PISD, Faculty member Drug Committee SCOPE; 1987 Advisory to Secondary Curriculum, PISD; 1965 Cub Scout Leader; 1966 Indian Guide Leader; 1966 Testified on the 42 Public Forums Concerning Importation of Water to West Texas (only woman to testify); 1966 Alumni Area Chairman, TCU; 1968 Women's Safety Association, State of Texas; 1969 Mary McCoy Baines Chapter, DAR (Good Citizen Chairman); 1970 League of Women University Voters (Charter Member); 1971 Organized Wayland University Fine Arts Association; 1990 Elected Member of Plainview City Council; 1990 Library Board, Plainview, Texas; 1990-1991 Minimum Housing Board; 1991 Elected West Texas Library Delegate; 1991 State Library Association Delegate; 1991 Appraisal District Board; 1992 Plainview Woman's Chamber of Commerce; 1992 student Government Day, City of Plainview; 1992 Regional Water Supply and Production Board; 1992 Appointed by Mayor to SPAG Grant Committee and Plumbing Board; 2003 Received Pi Beta Phi 50-year membership pin at Texas Tech University, and 2016 she would have received her 50 years certificate of membership in DAR. Mary Virginia enjoyed working outdoors, was a prolific reader and crafted poetry and other written compositions. She loved being outdoors and working in the yard. Dear was an avid reader of the newspaper, magazines, biographies and mystery novels. As she became less active, she loved watching sports on TV and continued to correspond with friends and family in her distinctive handwriting. She was clever in her own writing, especially in creating rhymes, poems and political speeches. She loved America as captured by her poem "America" which she deemed a mysterious wonder observing its beauty all round. Her unwavering commitment and tireless efforts on behalf of the Republican Party was unmatched. She was a devoted member who supported conservative ideas of government, assisted in local, state and national election campaigns and held various leadership positions including: 1960 Hale County Republican Chairman; 1964 Attended National Republican Convention; 1964 Delegate to the State Republican Convention; 1964 Hale County Chairman for George H.W. Bush; 1964-1966 Precinct Chairman; 1964-1992 Poll Watcher; 1966 Hale County Senior Citizens for George H. W. Bush; 1968 Hale County Advisory committee for Richard M. Nixon; 1970 Paul Eggers Nominee for Governor of Texas; 1970 Hale County Chairman for George H.W. Bush; 1970 - 30th Senatorial District Campaign Workshop (Director); 1970 Ballot Security, State; 1971-1972 Texas Federation of Republican Women (State Vice-Chairman); 1971-1973 National Federation Republican Women's Convention (Delegate); 1972 Texas Federation of Republican Women (Resolutions Committee); 1972 Texas Federation of Republican Women (Memorial Fund Committee Chairman); 1972 Hale County Advisory Committee for Zack Fisher; 1972 Hale County Advisory Committee for Hank Grover, Nominee for Governor; 1972 Hale County Finance Chairman for Sen. John Tower; 1972 Attended Congressman Jim Collins Reception for Ronald Reagan, Dallas, Texas; 1972 Senate Club for John Tower; 1972-1974 Republican Party (State Resolutions Committee); 1972-1976 Elected 30th Senatorial District State Committee Woman; 1972 Elected Outstanding Texas Republican Women; 1973 Key Republican (State); 1973 Hosted Reception for Gerald Ford; 1973 Candidate Recruitment conference (Director); 1973 Texas Federation of Republican Women (Credential Committee); 1974 Committee on State Rules and State Convention (Member); 1974 Secretary of Agriculture Fund Raising; 1974 Plainview High School Young Republican Club (Organizer and Sponsor); 1974 Republican Party of Texas (Public Relations Committee); 1974-1975 Texas Federation of Republican Women (Panelist Workshop); 1974 Candidate for State Senator from the 30th Senatorial District State; 1975 Republican Party (State Resolution Committee); 1975 Republican Party of Texas Region VIII (Appointed Deputy State Chairman); 1976 State Advisory Board for Alan Steelman, Seeking Senate of U.S.; 1976 Key Republican (State); 1976 Texas Federation of Republican Women Workshop, Amarillo, Texas (Speaker); 1976 Elected on Primary Ballot Delegate for Gerald Ford; 1976 Organized Fund Raiser with John Connally, as Deputy Chairman, Houston, Texas; and 1986 Hosted Fundraiser for Phil Graham. Filled with compassion, interest and love for others, Dear made friends easily and maintained contact with many. Among her many accomplishments, she was a Coronado Junior High Dchool English teacher until she retired in 1991; she was passionate about making a difference in the lives of her students. She was always willing to listen; she mentored many people throughout her life. Her professional service includes: 1973 Texas Classroom Teachers Association, Vice-Chairman, Plainview; 1974 Texas Classroom Teachers Association, Chairman Plainview; 1976 Texas State Teachers Association, President Plainview; 1976 Delta Kappa Gamma, Kappa Xi Chapter organized; 1980 Delta Kappa Gamma, President 1984; and, 1981 Texas Classroom Teachers Association, Political Action State Board. She was preceded in death by her four sisters, Agaithia Neergaard, Frieda Stinson, Helen De Bona and Georgia Smith. Dear was very proud of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren and constantly shared their accomplishments with friends. She is survived by two children: Karen Kirchhoff Mast, and her husband, John C. Mast of Nacogdoches, Texas; and John E. Kirchhoff of Temple, Texas. She is also survived by four grandchildren: Mary Jacq Kirchhoff of Niantic, CT; Samantha Kirchhoff of Fort Worth, TX; Horace Mast, and his wife, Briana; and Joseph Mast, and his wife, Ashley of Nacogdoches; four great-grandchildren, Dakotah Mast, Dally Mast, Timber Mast, and Grayson Mast; and beloved 13 nephews and one niece. Special thanks to devoted caregivers especially: Shirley Thorne and Belinda Wallace. Thank you also for the staff of Stallings Court who cared for and visited Mrs. Kirchhoff. Thank you to Dear's faithful dog, Buddy. Visitation will be held at 9:30 am Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2015, at the Christ Episcopal Church Parish House, 1420 North Mound Street, followed by the burial service in the church at 11 a.m. Internment will take place at Parklawn Memorial Cemetery in Plainview, Texas, on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2015 at 2 p.m. In lieu of flowers contributions can be made to Christ Episcopal Church Choir, 1420 North Mound Street, Nacogdoches, TX 75961 and or in Memory of Mary V. Kirchhoff addressed to My Defeatparkinsons, PO Box 632709, Nacogdoches, TX 75963. Checks can be written to PDF (Parkinsons Disease Foundation). Online condolences may be offered to Arrangements are under the direction of Cason Monk-Metcalf Funeral Directors located at 5400 North Street, Nacogdoches, TX 75965.

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