Michael Shane Wilson
Born: October 7th, 1974
Died: March 31st, 1999
Wilson, Michael Shane
NEW DEAL ? Funeral services for Michael Shane Wilson, 24, were at 11 a.m. today in first Church of the Nazarene with the Rev. David Menefee, pastor, officiating.
Burial was in Abernathy Cemetery by Abell Funeral Home of Abernathy.
Mr. Wilson died Wednesday, March 31, 1999, in Cambridge, Ohio in a truck accident.
He was born Oct. 7, 1974, in Lubbock. He lived in Abernathy until moving to Lubbock in 1987 where he attended Coronado High School. He later moved to New Deal. He was a member of First Assembly of God Church in Abernathy.
Survivors include his wife, Diana Rene Adams of New Deal; a son, Andrew Adams of New Deal; two daughters, Krysten Wilson of New Deal and Paige Marie Wilson of Cross Plains; a stepson, Daylin Adams of New Deal; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Bridgers of Lubbock; a sister, Kara Coats of Wichita Falls; his grandparents, Alma Wilson of Abernathy, Connie Cox of Lubbock and J.D. Bridgers of Jacksonville, Fla.; and his great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Davis of Lubbock.
Plainview Daily Herald ? Apr. 5, 1999
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