Alex Harrison Williams

Born: November 2nd, 1918

Died: September 16th, 2003


Williams, Alex Harrison

Funeral services for Alex Harrison Williams, 84, will be at 10:30 Saturday in First United Methodist Church with Dr. Travis Hart, pastor of First Baptist Church, officiating.

The service will be held at First United Methodist due to scheduling conflicts with First Baptist Church.

Burial will be in Plainview Memorial Park by Wood-Dunning Funeral Home.

Mr. Williams died at 3:24 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003, in Breckenridge Hospital in Austin.

He was born Nov. 2, 1918, in Kress, the son of Jim William ?J.W.? and Carry Elizabeth Zimpleman Williams. He graduated from Kress High School in 1935 and served for five years, from March 1941 to November 1945, with the U.S. Army Air Corps. He was a master sergeant in the 1045th Army Air Corps.

He attended Wayland Baptist University and graduated from Texas Tech University in May of 1951 and was an avid Texas Tech basketball fan.

He earned his CPA in 1956, was involved in community activities, was a deacon at First Baptist Church, church treasurer, taught a high school boy?s Sunday school class, was a member of Chamber of Commerce, served on the hospital board and served as mayor of Muleshoe from April 1973-1976. He also was a representative of the South Plains Association of Governments.

He moved to Kingsland in 1987 and was involved with Rotary, served as church treasurer at First Baptist Church and was on the hospital board at Llano.

In 1998, he moved to Plainview and was a member of Rotary, Shriners, Scottish Rite and was a Master Mason for 60 years. He was also a member of the Sanctuary Choir at First Baptist Church.

He was a founding partner at Williams, Merriman, predecessor of Williams, Rogers, Lewis, Kaufman, CPAs, and gave funding for the computer lab of the Wayland School of Business.

On Feb. 17, 1945, he married Ruth Bertha Andrew in Plainview.

Survivors include his wife; one son, Don A. Williams of Plainview; two daughters, Marcie A. Warren of Sembury, Conn., and Kathy E. Potter of Roswell, Ga.; a sister, Kleta Fredde of Rogers, Ark.; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.

Four brothers, James, Wayne, J.D. and Robert Williams, and two sisters, Clarice King and Bonnie Belle Phillips, are deceased.

The family will be at his home, 3409 Grandview. Memorials are suggested to the Faith In Sharing House.
Plainview Daily Herald?Sept. 18, 2003

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