Ray Wiese

Born: November 26th, 1910

Died: February 1st, 1998


Wiese, Ray
Petersburg- Funeral services for Ray Wiese, 87, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in First Methodist Church with the Rev. Sharon O?Quinn pastor, officiating. Burial will be in the Petersburg Cemetery by Lemons Funeral Home of Plainview. Mr. Wiese died at 12:15 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1, 1998, in Hi-Plains Hospital in Hale Center.
He was born Nov. 26, 1910, in Petersburg where he grew up and graduated from high school. He attended Texas Tech where he played basketball. He returned to Petersburg in 1930 to help on the farm and care for his stepmother and sisters.
He was a member of First Methodist Church which his father help found, Methodist Men?s Foundation, and his Sunday school class which was very important to him. He was a member of Khiva Shrine, a 32nd Degree Mason and a 56 year member of Petersburg Lions Club.
He had worked with the 4-H in Hale County for several years and many regarded him as a grandfather. He stressed to the children the importance of animal care.
On May 7, 1948, he married Ima Cannon in Lovington, N.M. She died on Jan. 4, 1994 in Petersburg.
Survivors include two sons, Bill Weise of Petersburg and Ken Weise of Lubbock; two sisters, Maxine Blankenship and Ellen Wartes, both of Lubbock.
The Family suggests memorials to Cal Farley?s Boys Ranch or to the Lubbock Children?s Home.
The body will be at the church at 11 a.m. Wednesday.
Plainview Daily Herald?Feb. 3, 1998

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