Garland B.,Sr. Wallace

Born: September 10th, 1917

Died: July 26th, 1999


Wallace, Garland B.,Sr.

Funeral services for Garland Wallace Sr., 81 will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Lemons Memorial Chapel with David Milstead officiating.

Burial will be in Plainview Cemetery by Lemons Funeral Home.

Mr. Wallace died at 10:14 p.m. Monday, July 26, 1999, in Baptist St. Anthony?s Hospital in Amarillo.

He was born Sept. 10, 1917, in Washataw County, Okla. He grew up in Cordell, Okla., and in the late 1920?s he moved to Quanah. He served in the Civil Corp of Engineering from 1936-1939 and served with the Medical Corp during World War II.

In 1939 he moved to Childress and in 1951 to Plainview. He worked as a truck mechanic for Hatch-Isaacs Feed Mill, which later became Wilson Grain & Trucking. He retired in 1980.

On Feb. 14, 1942, he married Elizabeth Simmons in Hollis, Okla.

A son Garland Wallace Jr., died in 1992.

Survivors include his wife; one son and daughter-in-law, Thomas B. and Barbara Wallace of Lawton, Okla.; one daughter and son-in-law, Barbara and Larry McMurrian of Plainview; two sisters, Allena Nelson of Lela Lake and LaVon Hall of Plainview; six grandchildren, including three granddaughters he raised, Rhonda Morton of Plainview, Rene Haarmeyer of Lubbock and Regina Maldonado of Ruidoso, N.M.; and four great-grandchildren.

Plainview Daily Herald ? Jul. 28, 1999

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