Samuel D. Waddill

Born: July 5th, 1839

Died: November 30th, 1911


Rev. S.D. Waddill Dead

Rev. S.D. Waddill died at the home of his son, in this city, about 1 o?clock Tuesday evening, at the age of 72.

Rev. Waddill had been sick for many months, and, while his death was expected at any time, it was a shock to the community. Mr. Waddill had lived in this county several years, and had a large number of acquaintances. He was a good, true worker in the Lord?s vineyard, and was admired by all who knew him. He leaves several sons and daughters to mourn his loss.

Funeral services were conducted at the M.E. Church, South, Thursday afternoon at 2 o?clock, after which the remains were interred in Plainview Cemetery. The Herald extends condolence to the bereaved relatives.

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