William Randolph (Bill), Mrs. (Juanita Stephens) Taegel

Born: July 5th, 1911

Died: September 14th, 2004


Juanita Taegel, 91 years a resident of Plainview and 93 years old, walked through the portal of death to the next leg of the Great Journey on Sept. 14, 2004. Her father and mother, Lee and Bobbie Stephens, were early settlers in the area, and Juanita's love of and loyalty to Planview and its bountiful land spiced life wherever she went. She was preceded in death by her husband, W.R. Taegel, and her daughter, Jeanine Boyd. She is survived by her daughter, Linda McCulloch and her husband Jim McCulloch, her son William Taegel and his wife Judith Yost, her niece, Nanette Fry, her nephew, Ned Nixon, seven grandchildren, and thirteen great grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at First United Methodist Church in Plainview on Wednesday, Sept. 22, at 11 a.m.

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