A.C. (Jack),Sr. Swanner
Born: April 2nd, 1925
Died: April 21st, 2003
Swanner, A.C. (Jack),Sr.
Funeral services for A.C. ?Jack? Swanner Sr., 78, will be at 11 a.m. Thursday in Bethel Baptist Church with the Rev. Q.D. Bevill, pastor, and Marlyn Keller officiating
Burial will be in Parklawn Memorial Gardens by Lemons Funeral Home.
Mr. Swanner died at 11:25 a.m. Monday, April 21, 2003, at his residence.
He was born April 2, 1925, in Lott. He joined the U.S. Army in 1943 at Fort Sill, Okla., and served in the 207th Field Artillery in Germany. He was discharged in 1945 in Tyler and moved to Plainview in 1949.
He worked as a merchandise receiving clerk at Sears for 10 years.
He was a charter member of REACT (weather watchers), was chief warrant officer of Civil Air Patrol, a reserve deputy for the Hale County Sherriff?s Department, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Bethel Baptist Church.
On Dec. 18, 1942, he married Bureta Tisdale in Littlefield.
Survivors include his wife; a daughter, Reta S. Craft of Plainview; a son, A.C. Swanner Jr. of Midland; a sister, Ethel Walden of Lubbock; seven grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandson.
Plainview Daily Herald-April 23, 2003
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