Joe Stokes

Born: March 8th, 1929

Died: September 29th, 2005


Funeral services for Joe Stokes, 76, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in Garland Street Church of Christ in Plainview with Silas Short, former minister of Hale Center Church of Christ, officiating. Burial will be in Hale Center Cemetery by Freeman-Abell Funeral Home. Mr. Stokes died Thursday, Sept. 29, 2005, in Hale Center. He was born March 8, 1929, in O'Donnell. He received a bachelor of science degree from Texas A&M in 1950. He lived in Hale Center for more than 50 years and was a farmer. He served on the Hale Center Co-op board and Great Plains Ag Credit board. He served 17 years with the Plainview Production Credit Association which merged with Amarillo PCA and was a loan officer for 14 years. He was chairman of the board for Hi-Plains Hospital and a member of Hale Center Church of Christ. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He married Barbara Laney on Jan. 13, 1951, in Hale Center. Survivors include his wife; a son, Steve Stokes and wife Vicki of Plainview; a daughter, Karoline Ashmore and husband Kurt of Wellington; a brother, Frank Stokes of Carrollton; and four grandchildren. A grandson, Chris Stokes, died in 1994. A brother, Johnny Stokes, also is deceased. The family suggests memorials to Hale Center Senior Citizens, P.O. Box 205, Hale Center, TX 79041 or to the Children's Home of Lubbock, P.O. Box 2824, Lubbock, TX 79408.

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