John Edward,Sr., Mrs. (Rose Teresa Kaletz) Schenck
Born: August 10th, 1920
Died: July 8th, 2008
Rose Teresa (Kaletz) Schenck transcended from life on earth to peace in heaven July 8, 2008, in Plainview, Texas. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, July 11, 2008, in First United Methodist Church with the Rev. Jimmy Cameron officiating. Burial will follow in Hale Center Cemetery under the direction of Abell Funeral Home of Hale Center, Texas. Rose Teresa began her book of life Aug. 10, 1920, in Chicago, Ill. She was one of 10 born to the late Catherine and Joseph Kaletz. Rose graduated from Catholic school in Chicago, Ill. Rose Teresa was wife, mother, friend and colleague. Her spirit was unmatched and her enthusiasm contagious. Rose Teresa is survived by her husband of 67 years, John Edward Schenck Sr.; three children, daughter, Koenia Rose Byrd of Mount Enterprise, Texas; and two sons, John Edward Schenck Jr. of Hideaway, Texas, and James Joseph Schenck of Amarillo, Texas; six grandchildren, Carol Lynn, Teresa Rose, Sharron Lee, Jeffery John, Natali Rose and Alexander James; and seven great-grandchildren, Carrie Marie, Rachael Rose, Kayla Rose, Terra Rose, Robert, Janssen Rose and Jess Moody. There are many nieces and nephews. Rose Teresa had many chapters in her book of life, beginning with joining the circus at the age of 15. She traveled all over the country. She was a gifted circus performer. Her talents included performing with horses, elephants, tumbling and high-wire trapeze. She also worked with Gene Autry and Roy Rogers. She met and married John (who also was in the circus) on Aug. 31, 1940. World War II came about and while awaiting John's return from the U.S. Marines serving in the Pacific, Rose and their two children, Koenia and Johnny, remained in Rochester, Ind., where she worked as a cutter in a garment factory. After the War they moved to Clovis, N.M., and tried to raise rabbits and chickens. John was hired by Southwestern Public Service and was moved to Littlefield, Texas, then to Olton, Texas, and finally to Hale Center in 1965. Rose Teresa worked in the Olton, Hale Center and Plainview newspaper offices. She decided to go back to school, enrolling in an LVN Nursing Program. Rose worked as an LVN at Hi-Plains Hospital, Hale Center, until she retired at the age of 73. Rose Teresa had many hobbies such as sewing, knitting and crocheting, and she loved playing bridge. After retiring, she visited senior citizen shut-ins making sure all was OK in their lives. In 2003, Rose Teresa's final chapter was set in motion. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and entered Prairie House Living Center until her final curtain. The family suggests memorials be sent to the Hale Center Senior Citizens, 416 W. Second, Hale Center, TX 79041.
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