G.M. Rodriguez

Born: June 19th, 1917

Died: September 29th, 2003


Rodriguez, G.M.

Funeral services for G.M. Rodriguez, 86, were at 2 p.m. today in Lemons Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Steve Martinez, pastor of New Life Assembley of God, officiating.

Burial was in Plainview Cemetery by Lemons Funeral Home.

Mr. Rodriguez died at 9:33 p.m. Monday, Sept. 29, 2003, at Praire House Living Center.

He was born June 19, 1917, in Yoakum.

Survivors include four daughters, Dora Longoria, Belia Espinosa and Martha Vargas, all of Plainview, and Olga Gonzales of Victoria; three sons, Lloyd Rodriguez of Victoria and Roy Rodriguez and Noe Rodriguez of of Corpus Christi; two brothers, Pablo Rodriguez of California and Jose Rodriguez of Rio Hondo; three sisters, Herminia Padilla of Mathis, Frances Vuitonett of Harlingen and Consuelo Soliz of San Juan, Calif.; 30 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren.

Two sons, David Lee Belinda and Robert Rodriguez, are deceased.

Plainview Daily Herald-- Oct. 2, 2003

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