Latricia D. Robinson
Born: September 5th, 1963
Died: November 21st, 2003
Robinson, Latricia D.
Kress-- Funeral services for Latricia Dolores Robinson, 40, will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday in United Baptist Church in Plainview with the Rev. Leo Horn, pastor, officiating.
Burial will be in Plainview Memorial Park by Wood-Dunning Funeral Home.
Ms. Robinson died Friday, Nov. 21, 2003, at 1:19 p.m., in University Medical Center in Lubbock.
She was born Sept. 5, 1963, in Plainview to Dorothy Ray Robinson and the late Ernest Robinson. She attended elementary school in Plainview and moved to Kress when she was in the third grade. She graduated from Kress High School and moved to Oklahoma City in June 1983.
She returned to Kress where she continued to live until her death.
She had worked for Excel Corporation in Plainview for the last eight years.
She was a member of United Baptist Church.
Survivors include a son, Dustin Lynn Robinson of Kress; her mother, Dorothy Robinson of Kress; a brother, Earnest Ray Robinson of Plainview; a special friend, Issac Flores of Kress; three aunts, Ruby Ray of Plainview and Pearlene Campbell and Imogene Jackson, both of Oklahoma City; three uncles, Sherman Ray and Garland Ray of Amarillo and Bobby Ray of Plainview; and a great-aunt, Louise Ray of Plainview.
Her father, Ernest Robinson, and three brothers, Cecil, Mark and Ernest Robinson Jr., are deceased.
Plainview Daily Herald--Nov. 24, 2003
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