H.B., Mrs. (Evora (Sally) Groce) Robertson
Born: November 26th, 1921
Died: August 26th, 1999
Robertson, H.B., Mrs. (Evora (Sally) Groce)
PETERSBURG- Funeral services for Evora ?Sally? Robertson, 77, will be at 10a.m. Saturday in First Baptist Church with Rev. John Lowrie, pastor, officiating.
Burial will be in Petersburg Cemetery by Lemons Funeral Home of Plainview.
Mrs. Robertson died at 8:50 a.m. Thursday, Aug.26, 1999, in Covenant Lakeside Hospital in Lubbock.
She was born Evora Groce on Nov. 26, 1921, in Birdstown, Tenn.
She graduated from Wayland Baptist University where she played basketball and taught school at Lakeview prior to her marriage.
She was a member of First Baptist Church, where she taught a Sunday school class and Vacation Bible School and was a member of Woman?s Missionary Union. She also was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star.
On Aug. 5, 1994, she married H.B. ?Shorty? Robertson in Petersburg.
Survivors include her husband; a daughter and son-in-law, Margo and Stuart Harrelson of Amarillo; three sons and four daughters- in-law, Wayne ?Fud? and Charlotte Robertson, Joe and Kathy Robertson and Kyle Lynn and Darlena Robertson, all of Petersburg, and Beth Graves; 10 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
A son, Kent ?Hoopie? Robertson, is deceased.
Plainview Daily Herald ? Aug. 27, 1999
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