Harmon Monroe (Shorty), Mrs. (Maerine Johnson) Roberts

Born: May 11th, 1902

Died: January 2nd, 1999


Roberts, Harmon Monroe, Mrs. (Maerine)

Funeral services for Maerine Roberts , 96, of Plainview, ae set for 11 a.m. Monday at First Baptist Church Family Life Chapel, with Dr. Travis Hart, pastor, officiating.

Burial will follow in Plainview Memorial Park by Lemons Funeral Home.

Mrs. Roberts died at 7: 40 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 2, 1999, in I.H.S. of Plainview.

She was born May 11, 1902, in Anson. She graduated from Haskell County schools and married Harmon Roberts at her parents? home in 1924. He died in 1960.

She lived in Dickens and Petersburg before moving to Plainview in 1943. She worked as a switchboard operator at Wayland Baptist University for 13 years, retired in 1975. She was a member of First Baptist Church and WMU Circle.

Survivors include two daughters, Melba Jo Willis of Plainview and Frances Estill of Arlington; one brother, E.W. Johnson of Amarillo; one sister, Esther Gibson of Lubbock; seven grandchildren and 10 great-great grandchildren.

Plainview Daily Herald ? Jan. 3, 2017

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