W.O., Mrs. (Chessie Claudine (Dene)) Riley
Born: November 1st, 1934
Died: October 14th, 2001
PETERSBURG - Funeral services for Chessie Claudine "Dene" Riley, 66, were at 2 p.m. today in First Baptist Church with the Rev. Jim Hancock, Baptist minister of Lubbock, officiating. Burial was in Petersburg Cemetery by Adams Funeral Home of Ralls. Mrs. Riley died Sunday, Oct. 14, 2001, at her residence. She was born Nov. 1, 1934, in Paducah. She moved to Petersburg in 1951 and lived in Eunice, N.M., from 1968 to 1970. She worked for Texas Instruments in Lubbock for 13 years, retiring in 1989. She was a member of First Baptist Church. On Oct. 4, 1953, she married W.O. Riley in Carlsbad, N.M. He died in July 1980. Survivors include her mother, Ruby Mensch of Gunter; one son, Dennis Riley of Eunice; two daughters and a son-in-law Barbara Sims of Eunice and Bobbie and Joe Mettenet of Hobbs, N.M.; a brother, James Burns of Dallas; two stepbrothers, Milton Mensch of Lubbock and Keith Mensch of Denver City; three sisters, Peggy Lee of Boswell, Okla., Patsy Thornton of Wylie and Mary Jane Porter of Sadler; a stepsister, Kay Smith of Waco; seven grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and
special friends, Alton and Francis Dendy of Petersburg. A granddaughter, Shawna Sims, died in 1972, and a daughter-in-law, Patricia Riley, died in August 2000. Two brothers also are deceased. Pallbearers were Gary Collins, Bennie Martin, James Shurbet, Ted Matthews, Paul Willis and Alvin Upchurch. Honorary pallbearers were Kerry Douglas McKennon, Joe Robin Sims, Bradley Scott Smith, Johnny Gaskins, Brody Riley and Wayne Dendy. The family suggests memorials to VistaCare Family Hospice, 4418 Olton Road, or to Petersburg First Baptist Church.
Plainview Daily Herald - Oct. 16, 2001
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