Angelica Marissa Ramos
Born: May 28th, 1992
Died: July 27th, 2003
Ramos, Angelica Marissa
Funeral services for Angelica Marissa Ramos, 11, will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday in First Assembly of God with Tal Burdine, children?s pastor, and the Rev. Miguel Perez of New Life Assembly of God officiating.
Burial will be in Parklawn Memorial Gardens by Lemon Funeral Home.
A service will be held at 7 p.m. today in Lemons Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Roger Munoz, pastor of Elim Worship Center, officiating.
Miss Ramos died at 8:11 p.m. Sunday, July 27, 2003, in Covenant Hospital Plainview.
She was born May 28, 1992, in Plainview. She had completed the fourth grade at Thunderbird Elementary.
Survivors include her father, Angel Ramos of Plainview; three brothers, Joe Manuel Gonzales of Plainview, Isaac Zamhrann of Albuquerque, N.M., and Christian Baca of Amarillo; two sisters, Julie Gonzales and Brittany Ramos, both of Plainview; and her grandparents, Fidela Ramos and Nora Martinez, both of Plainview.
Her mother, Natalie Martinez Ramos, and her grandfathers, Manuel Ramos and Wallace Martinez, are deceased.
Plainview Daily Herald?July 29, 2003
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