Henry Puckett
Born: August 4th, 1856
Died: July 27th, 1914
Son of Silas and Elizabeth Blevins Puckett. Obituary as follows: Plainview Daily Hearld, 28 July 1914, Plainview, Texas. Runningwater:
Mr. Henry Puckett died very suddenly at his home, on the Lancaster and Delay Ranch, last Monday night. Heart trouble was the cause of death. He was buried in the Runningwater Cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Puckett is survivied by his aged mother, several children and also several brothers and sisters. The breaved family has the sympathy of the entire nieghborhood in their sorrow.
There is no marker at the grave of Henry Puckett, at the Runningwater Cemetery. Location of grave is not known.)
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