Charles Lee (Bear) Pitcox
Born: June 3rd, 1944
Died: January 27th, 1998
Pitcox, Charles Lee (Bear)
Graveside services for Charles Lee ?Bear? Pitcox, 53, will be at 2 p.m. Friday in Plainview Memorial Park with the Rev. Roger Foote, pastor of Northside Baptist Church, officiating.
Burial arrangements are by Lemons Funeral Home.
Mr. Pitcox died at 2:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 27 1998, in Methodist Hospital Lubbock.
He was born June 3, 1944, in Texarkana, Ark. He grew up in Plainview where he attended schools. He joined the U.S. Army in 1961 and was discharged Sept 30, 1967. He returned to live in Plainview and Lubbock. He also lived in Atlanta, Ga. In 1985 he moved back to Plainview and worked for the Water Reclamation Center.
He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
On Feb. 1, 1987, he married Linda Minnella in Plainview.
Survivors include his wife; one daughter, Melissa Davis of California; one sister, Debbie Kay Robertson of Nash; his father, Dewight Pitcox of Mansfield, La.; his mother, Lorene Brown of Texarkana; his grandmother, Ruth Waller of Plainview; and four grandchildren.
Plainview Daily Herald?Jan. 29, 1998
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