Jessie Elmer,Jr. Phillips

Born: May 10th, 1943

Died: December 22nd, 2007


Funeral services for Jessie Elmer Phillips Jr., 64, of Plainview will be at 10 a.m. Monday at Bartley Memorial Chapel with the Rev. John Douglas Gibson of Telephone, Texas, officiating. Burial will be in Abernathy Cemetery by Bartley Funeral Home. Mr. Phillips died Saturday, Dec. 22, 2007, at University Medical Center in Lubbock. He was born May 10, 1943, in Lynwood, Calif. He was a journeyman carpet layer, a Navy veteran and a Baptist. Survivors include his mother, Mildred "Avis" Smith of Plainview; one brother of Nova Scotia, Canada; one sister, Mary B. Gibson of Honey Grove; and 15 grandchildren. Online condolences may be made at

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