Escol (Nobby) Noblett

Born: March 8th, 1923

Died: September 14th, 2003


(Note: the quality of the film of the Herald obituary was poor.)

Funeral servives for Esco "Nobby" Noblett, 80, will be at 2 p.m., Tuesday in College Heights Baptist Church with the Rev. Don Robertson, pastor, officiating.

Burial will be at Plainview Memorial Park under the direction of Lemons Funeral Home.

Mr. Noblett died at 5:45 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 14, 2003 at his residence.

He was born March 8, 1923, in Chillicothe. He served with the U.S. Navy for four years, receiving the Purple Heart, Air Medal and Distinguished Flying Cross.

He worked for Baldridge Bread Co. from 1954 to 1967 and began a chemical business which he operated from 1967 to 1980 when he retired.

On Dec. 25, 1945, he married Wilma Cruce in Cotton Center.

Survivors include his wife; a daughter and son-in-law, Donna and Greg Noel of Plainview; a son and daughter-in-law, Gary and Marilyn Noblett of Mobeetie; three brothers, Bob Noblett of Plainview; and Royce Noblett and Clois Noblett, both of Lubbock and two granddaughter and a grandson-in-law, Misti and Michael Fisher of Odessa and Taylor Shea Noblett of Memphis, Tenn.

A son, Michael Keith Noblett, and three brothers are deceased.

Pallbearers will be Bob Wright, Joe Crockett, Alton Barnes, T.L. Baker, Wayland Richardson and Vergil Kunkel.

The family suggest memorial to VistaCare Family Hospice, 4418 Olton Road, Plainview, TX 79072

Plainview Daily Herald - Sept. 15, 2003

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