Ovid David, Mrs. (Luella L. Moran) McGowan

Born: May 19th, 1934

Died: February 23rd, 2004


McGowan, Ovid David, Mrs. (Luella L.)

Funeral service for Luella L. McGowan, 69, will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Colonial Baptist Church whith the Rev. Robert Malcom, pastor, officiating.

Burial will be in Plainview Memorial Park by Lemons Funeral Home.

Mrs. McGowan died at 7:42 a.m. Monday, Feb. 23, 2004, at Covenant Hospital Plainivew.

She was born May 19, 1934, in Antlers, Okla. She married Ovid David McGowan in 1955 in Olton. He died May 15, 1986.

Survivors inclue two sons, Edward McGowan and George McGowan of Plainview; a brother, Nelton Moran of Eugene, Ore., and a sister, Sarah of Spearman.

Her husband; a daughter, Mary L. Ramsey; and a brother, Herbert Moran, are deceased.

Plainview Daily Herald-- Feb. 25, 2004

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