Harry T., Mrs. (Beatrice (Bea) Pace) McDaniel

Born: February 21st, 1920

Died: May 21st, 2001


PETERSBURG ? Services for Beatrice "Bea" McDaniel, 81, of Petersburg will be at 10 a.m. today at First Baptist Church with the Rev. Wayman Swopes officiating.

Burial will be in Petersburg Cemetery under the direction of Lemons Funeral Home of Plainview.

She died Monday, May 21, 2001.

She was born Feb. 21, 1920, in Columbus, Mont., and married H.T. "Harry" McDaniel on July 10, 1946, in Petersburg. She grew up in Billings, Mont., where she graduated from high school before moving to Petersburg in 1946. She worked for Hale County for 24 years and was a member of First Baptist Church in Petersburg.

Survivors include her husband; a daughter, Joan Perry of Fort Worth; a brother, Orville Pace Jr. of Montana; two sisters, Dorothy Pace of Sun Lake, Ariz., and Vada Spencer of Great Falls, Mont.; four grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and seven great-great-grandchildren.

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