Hugh M. McClelland

Born: November 18th, 1836

Died: May 28th, 1926


Aged Resdient of Plainview Passed Away Last Friday
Hugh McClelland, aged Civil Ware veteran and a resident of Plainview sine 1886, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A.M. Lycan, at 604 East Fifth Street at six o?clock Friday evening. Deceased was eighty-nine years of age at the time of his death.
The funeral was held at one thirty o?clock Sunday afternoon from the First Christian church with the pastor John H. Swift officiating. Interment followed in the Plainview Cemetery under the direction of Plainview Undertaking Company.
Hugh McClelland was born in Virginia nearly ninety years ago. He later moved to Illinois where he was married in 1861 to Miss Medcalf, who died a year ago. Of the five children born to this union two remain to mourn the loss of their parents, a son and Mrs. Lycan, a daughter.
Mr. McClelland and family moved to Waco in 1872 and from there to Plainview in 1886 where he has since lived. He and Mrs. McClelland were charter members of the First Christian church of Plainview and were active in church work until prohibited by ill health. (June 1, 1926)

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