Charles E., Mrs. (Ella Ruth Monk) Lutrick
Born: August 19th, 1921
Died: August 10th, 2010
Memorial services for Ruth Lutrick, 88, of Lubbock were held at 2:00 pm Friday, August 13, 2010 at the First United Methodist Church in Lubbock, TX under the direction of Abell Funeral Home and Flower Shop of Abernathy, TX. Officiating for the service was Keith Wiseman of First United Methodist Church, Dr. Robert C. Monk and Chaplain Jeff Matsler. Family greeted friends in the parlor following the service.
Mrs. Lutrick died Tuesday, August 10, 2010 in Lubbock, Texas. She was born on August 19, 1921 to Olin and Mary Monk. She was raised in Holly Grove, Arkansas. The Monk family moved to Lubbock in 193. Ruth graduated from Lubbock High School where she was on the debate team and participated in drama. She also attended Texas Tech University.
She married Charles Lutrick on September , 1943 in Lubbock. As a pastor's wife, she served with her husband in Methodist Churches in Vega, Baird, Floydada, St. John's in Lubbock, and First United Methodist Church in Midland. She supported Charles in his many ministries and was his loving caregiver during his long illness.
Ruth and Charles were avid Lady Raider fans. She enjoyed watching tennis, basketball, and anything else to do with sports. Her fine needlepoint work decorates the walls of many family members. She loved to bake and shared her talents with many friends, especially her "world renowned" peanut brittle. She loved to read and gave book reviews and other programs for church and study groups. She loved attending the symphony and musical productions at church. When her boys were younger she enjoyed being a den mother for their cub scout group. She was a longtime active member of the First United Methodist Church in Lubbock. She also belonged to the United Methodist Women, the Homebuilders Sunday School Class, and the Tuesday Morning Bible Study Group. She was also a member of the Second Milers, a group of retired Methodist ministers and spouses.
She is survived by a daughter, Linda and her husband Gary Matsler of Floydada; two sons, David Lutrick and wife Anne of Issaquah, Washington, and Clarles Clay (Chuck) Lutrick of Columbus Ohio. She is also survived by a brother Robert Monk and his wife Carolyn of Abilene and sister-in-law, Faye Monk of Garland; five grandchildren, Jeff Matsler, Mindy Vaughan, Lara Lutrick, Erin Lutrick and Marta Lutrick; and four great grandchildren, Mary Elizabeth Matsler, Charles Taylor Matsler, Alexander Vaughan and Colin Noesser.
The Lutrick family suggests memorials be sent to the Ever Living Trust at First United Methodist Church, 1411 roadway, Lubbock, TX 79401; or to the Charles E. Lutrick Memorial Fund at the Perkins School of Theology, SMU, P.O. ox 750402, Dallas, TX 75013
Abell Funeral Home
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