Everett Dee Linville

Born: July 22nd, 1937

Died: February 11th, 2001


Linville, Everett Dee

Graveside services for Everett Dee Linville, 63, will be at 2 p.m. today in Plainview Cemetery with Lee Wells of Amarillo officiating.

Burial arrangements are by Wood-Dunning Funeral Home.

Mr. Linville died at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 11, 2001, at his residence.

He was born July 22, 1937, in Plainview where he grew up and attended schools. He served with the U.S. Air Force in 1961 and after his discharge in 1964 he worked as a firefighter at the Amarillo Air Force Base.

He was a member of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Pentecostal Church of God. He was disabled and retired in 1969.

Survivors include five brothers, Jerry Linville of Columbus, Ga., Larry Linville and Lloyd Linville, both of Plainview, Emmett Lee Linville of Stockton, Mo., and Floyd Linville of Lubbock; and four sisters, Mary Jo Linville and Linda Breckenridge, both of Plainview, and Marilyn Helms of Paris, Texas, and Helen Sharp of Granbury.

Plainview Daily Herald- Feb. 13,2001

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