Joseph B., Mrs. (Pyrena Emily Parks) Leach

Born: October 31st, 1872

Died: January 14th, 1946


The funeral for Mrs Pyrena Leach 72 was conducted at the First Baptist Church at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Leach died early Monday morning at the hospital here. Rev Carl Lamb pastor of the Finney Baptist Church officiated in the services. Burial was in the Plainview Cemetery beside the grave of her husband, Joseph B. Leach who died in 1926. A native Texan, Mrs. Leach came to Hale County 57 years ago from Lee County, TX. She and her husband pioneered in Hale Co., and in addition to contributing a share in modernizing the country, took the lead in community building and made a reputation for themselves as worthy upright citizens. She was a member of the Finney Baptist Church.

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