John Shelby, Mrs. (Osa May Wisecup) Leach

Born: November 27th, 1892

Died: January 2nd, 1975


Plainview Daily Herald, Plainview, Hale, Texas

Mrs. Shelby Leach Dies Rites Set.

Mrs. Shelby Leach a resident of Hale County for more than a half century died at 3:20 A.M. today in Central Plains Hospital after a brief illness. She resided north of Plainview.

Funeral services have been set for 11 A.M. Saturday in Seth Ward Baptist Church with Rev. Carl La, a retired Baptist minister officiating. He will be assisted by Rev. John Goss, a pastor of Finney Baptist Church. Burial will be in Plainview Cemetery.

Mrs. Leach was born in Worth County, MO. and came to Plainview in 1922 with her uncle and aunt, Mr.and Mrs. Z. P.King. She made her home with the Kings until she was married here on Aug.20, 1929 to John Shelby Leach.

Mrs. Leach was a member of the Finney Baptist Church and of the women's Missionary Union.

Mrs. Leach was born in Worth. She taught a Sunday School class for many years and had served as pianist for the Staked Plains Baptist Association. Mrs. Leach also was a member of Panhandle-Plains Historical Society in Canyon and a member of the Hale County Historical Society.

Surviving are her husband, two sons, Paul Leach and Joe Leach, both of Plainview, four sisters, Mrs. Marshal Long, Kansas City, MO. Mrs Glee Stabe of Grand City,MO. Mrs. Clifford Frederick of Olathe, CO. Mrs. Fred Jacobs of Sheridan,Missouri. and 4 grand-children

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