Leslie Daniel (Dan), Mrs. (Iris C. Brandon Brice) Johnson

Born: January 22nd, 1922

Died: July 18th, 2002


ABERNATHY - Graveside services for Iris C. Johnson, 80, will be at 2 p.m. Monday in the Abernathy Cemetery with David Bennett and Steve Gauntt officiating. Burial will be by Abell Funeral Home of Abernathy. Mrs. Johnson died Thursday, July 18, 2002, in Lubbock. She was born in Oklahoma on Jan. 22, 1922. She married James Dixon "Bud" Brice on May 19, 1939, in New Mexico. He died in 1970. She married Dan Johnson on Oct. 25, 1973, in Portales, N.M. She moved from Wingate to Hale Center in 1953 and to Abernathy in 1956. She was a homemaker and member of the Church of Christ. Surviving are her husband; a son, J. D. Brice of Ennis; five daughters, Naomia Lee Lewis of San Diego, Calif., Lera Mae Davee of Brady, Linda Olsen of Sunsites, Ariz., Leslie Fielding of Abernathy and Chele Brewer of Willcox, Ariz.; two sisters, Juanita Bryant of Truth or Consequences, N.M., and Rose Faye Smith of Roswell, N.M.; 18 grandchildren and 37 great-grandchildren. A stepdaughter, Betty Cox, is deceased. The family suggests memorials to a cancer organization. The body will be available for viewing at the funeral home from 9 a.m.-noon Monday.
Plainview Daily Herald - July 21, 2002

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