L.W. (Polly) Huntington

Born: July 14th, 1914

Died: January 19th, 2004


Huntington, L.W. (Polly)

Funeral services for L.W. "Polly" Huntington, 89, will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday in Wood-Dunning Colonial Chapel with Russell Harris, minister of Garland Street Church of Christ, officiating.

Burial will be in Plainview Memorial Park by Wood-Dunning Funeral Home.

Mr. Huntington died at 11:29 p.m. Monday, Jan. 19, 2004, in Plainview Healthcare Center.

He was born July 14, 1914, to Asachar Allen and Lou Effie Armour Huntington near Cross Plains in Eastland County. He moved to Hale County with his parents in 1921 and lived in the Plainview area except during the war years when he worked at the Pantex Bomb Assembly Plant in Amarillo.

He owned a sand and gravel business, built houses and farmed until retiring in 1980.

He was a member of Garland Street Church of Christ.

On Aug. 30, 1937, he married Eva Lee Ellis in Plainview. She died Oct. 19, 1992.

Survivors include a daugther, Janie Aday of Plainview; a daughter-in-law, Barbara Ivey Huntington of De Ridder, La.; six grandchildren, Kristie Lane Aday of The Woodlands, Jeffery Aday of Houston, Terri Lynn Price of Lake Charles, La., Allen Wayne Huntington of Corpus Christi, Roxanne Lee Thurman of Austin and Elaina Danielle of Granbury; and four great-granchildren.

Two sons are deceased. Teddy Wayne Huntington died Jan. 7, 1972, and Bobby Neil Huntington died Feb. 28, 1987.

The family suggests memorials to Hale County Senior Citiznes Center or to the American Heart Association.

The family will be at 102 Willow Bend.

Plainview Daily Herald-- Jan. 20, 2004

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