Roy Hernandez

Born: April 15th, 1948

Died: May 17th, 2002


PETERSBURG - Funeral services for Roy Hernandez, 54, will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Fellowship of Faith Church with the Rev. Cleta Eldridge, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Petersburg Cemetery by Lemons Funeral Home of Plainview. Mr. Hernandez died at his residence at 5:05 p.m. Friday, May 17, 2002. He was born April 15, 1948 in Seguin. He was raised in Petersburg and attended Petersburg High School. He was a farm laborer and attended Fellowship of Faith Church. Surviving are a daughter, Alma Hernandez of Fresno, CA; two sons, Roy Albert Hernandez and Ramiro Hernandez, both of Fresno; five brother, Louis and Reymundo of Plainview, Alejandro III and Benjamin of Petersburg and Ricard of Wichita Falls; four sisters, Mary Vega and Irene Lopez of Petersburg, Dolores Vasquez of Plainview and Oralia Salas and Lubbock; and five grandchildren. A brother, Raymond, is deceased.
Plainview Daily Herald - May 19, 2002

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