J.B. Henslee

Born: September 28th, 1913

Died: July 9th, 2001


Henslee, J.B.

Hale Center ? Graveside services for J.B. Henslee, 87, of Amarillo will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in Hale Center Cemetery with the Rev. Ken Rowland, pastor of the First United Methodist Church, officiating.

Arrangements are by Freeman-Abell Funeral Home.

Mr. Henslee died Monday, July 9, 2001, at Baptist/St. Anthony Hospital in Amarillo.

He was born on Sept. 28, 1913 in Brown County. He moved to Hale Center in 196 and he was a farmer and rancher. He moved to King?s Manor in Hereford in 1996 and has lived at the McCauley House in Amarillo for the past year.

He was a member of First United Methodist Church in Hale Center.

Survivors include three cousins, Emma Roy Sadler and Ezell Sadler of Sunnyside and Martha Archibald of Dallas.

Plainview Daily Herald ? July 11, 2001

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