Samuel David (Sam) Hemphill

Born: February 17th, 1936

Died: January 21st, 2002


PETERSBURG - Memorial graveside services for Samuel David "Sam" Hemphill, 65, were at 2 p.m. today in Petersburg Cemetery with the Rev. Jim Hancock officiating. Cremation arrangements were by Abell Funeral Home of Abernathy. Mr. Hemphill died Monday, Jan. 21, 2002, in Covenant Lakeside Medical Center in Lubbock. He was born Feb. 17, 1936, in Hunt County. He was a longtime resident of Petersburg and was a Baptist. On Aug. 12, 1955, he married Gail Smith in Hale County. Survivors include his wife; one brother, Earnest Junior Hemphill of Abernathy; two sisters, Annie Ruth Lebow of Abernathy and Lena Mae Acree of Lubbock. The family suggests memorials to Meals on Wheels or to the Petersburg Cemetery Association.
Plainview Daily Herald - Jan. 23, 2002

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