Enrique,Jr., Mrs. (Marina G. Juarez) Guerra
Born: June 20th, 1952
Died: June 20th, 1999
Guerra, Enrique,Jr., Mrs. (Marina G. Juarez)
Funeral Mass for Marina Guerra, 48, will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday in Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church with the Rev. Gerard Kenney, pastor, officiating.
Burial will be in Plainview Cemetery by Lemons Funeral home.
Rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today in Lemons Memorial Chapel.
Mrs. Guerra died at 5:06 p.m. Sunday, June 29, 1999, in Covenant Medical Center.
She was born June 20, 1952, in Plainview. On Nov. 1, 1973, she married Enrique Guerra. He died July 31, 1996.
Survivors include her mother, Martina Torres of Plainview; her father Indalecio Juarez of Bridgeport; two sons, Augustine DeLosSantos and Daniel Juarez, both of Plainview, Fernando Juarez of Vancouver, Wash. And Joe Gonzalez of Plainview; a sister, Della Torres of Lubbock; and three grandchildren.
Plainview Daily Herald ? June 22, 1999
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