Monique Gonzales Garza

Born: March 3rd, 1984

Died: November 30th, 2005


Garza, Monique Gonzales? Plainview Cemetery, IOOF blk. 88

LUBBOCK -- Funeral services for Monique Garza, 21, will be at 11 a.m. Monday in Guajardo Funeral Chapels with the Rev. Leonel Gonzalez, pastor of Genesis Baptist Church in Plainview, officiating. Burial will be in Plainview Cemetery by Guajardo Funeral Chapels. Miss Garza died Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2005. She was born March 3, 1984, in Plainview. She was raised in Plainview where she attended school through graduation in 2002. She was employed at Children's World Day Care. Survivors include her mother, Patricia Gonzales-Thomashide of Plainview; a sister, Krystal Thomashide of Plainview; maternal grandparents, Nieves and Manuela Gonzales of Plainview; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.
Published in Plainview Daily Herald from Dec.?4 to Dec.?5,?2005

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