Felipe A. (Felix) Garcia

Born: May 1st, 1928

Died: January 15th, 2001


Garcia, Felipe A. (Felix)

Funeral services for Felix A. Garcia, 72, will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday in Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Rev. Gerard Kenney, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church officiating.

Burial will be in Plainview Cemetery by Lemons Funeral Home.

Mr. Garcia died at 5:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 15, 2001, in Prairie House Living Center.

He was born May 1, 1928, in Curio. He moved to Plainview in 1969 and was a member of the Knights of Columbus at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

On Sept. 28, 1946, he married Amelia Cruz in Nixon

Survivors include his wife; five daughters, Yolanda Azua of El Paso, Delia Aguilar and Eva Garcia, both of Plainview, Sylvia Soliz of Littlefield and Amanda Lopez of Levelland; three sons Rueben Garcia of Brownsville, and Larry and Rene Garcia, both of Plainview; two brothers, r=Ramon and Domingo Garcia, both of Cuero; two sisters, Prudencia De Los Santos and Lilly Barrera, both of Cuero; 32 grandchildren; and 33 great-grandchildren.

Plainview Daily Herald ? Jan. 16, 2001

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