Floyd S. Gammage
Born: May 9th, 1917
Died: August 23rd, 1999
Gammage, Floyd S.
AMARILLO ? Funeral services for Floyd S. Gammage, 82, former Plainview resident, will be at 11 a.m. Thursday in New Covenant Church in Plainview with the Rev. Ron Brunson, pastor, officiating.
Burial will be in a Plainview Cemetery by Memorial Park Funeral Home of Amarillo.
Mr. Gammage died Monday, Aug. 23, 1999, in Olsen Manor Nursing Home.
He was born May 9, 1917 in Alanreed and served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He worked for Southwestern Public Service Co. and operated service stations in Plainview for about 30 years. He moved to Amarillo nine years ago. He was a member of New Covenant Church.
Surviving are his wife, Esther; six brothers, David of Plainview, Hamilton of Lockney, Lee E. of Clint, Tom of Midland, Byron of Dallas and James of Santa Fe, Texas; and three sisters, Katherine Sistrunk of Plainview, Wilma Kay of Altus, Okla. and Ruth Kirk of Buena Park, Calif.
Plainview Daily Herald ? Aug. 25, 1999
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