Bobbie Lee Rhoads Embry

Born: September 7th, 1907

Died: December 12th, 2007


Bobbie Lee Embry, 100, of Lubbock, died Wednesday, in Heritage Oaks Nursing Home.

Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15, 2007, in the W.W. Rix Chapel with Rev. Eddie Marcum officiating. Burial will follow in the Abernathy Cemetery.

Mrs. Embry was born Sept 7, 1907 in Sayre, Okla., to Robert T. and Mary (Cooper) Rhoads. She received her BA in 1931, and her MA in 1955, both from Texas Tech. She was a member of the Oakwood Methodist Church. Mrs. Embry had taught in the Abernathy School system and other area schools for over forty years.

She is survived by two sons, Ray Aylsworth, of Monte Soreno, Calif., and Alan Embry, of Lubbock. Two grandchildren and one great-grandchild also survive.

Memorial in Bobbie's name are suggested to the Oakwood United Methodist Church 2215 58th St. Lubbock, TX 79412.

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