Ernest,Jr. Durrett

Born: April 10th, 1925

Died: September 27th, 2000


Durrett, Ernest,Jr.

ABERNATHY ? Funeral services for Ernest Durrett Jr., 75, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in First Baptist Church with the Rev. Mike Wilcox, pastor, officiating.

Masonic Graveside rites will be in the Abernathy Cemetery with burial by Abell Funeral Home.

Mr. Durrett died Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2000, at his residence.

He was born April 10, 1925 in Tyler and married Doris Teague on June 9, 1951 in Lubbock. He was a lifelong Abernathy resident and served in the United States Army during World War II. He served as a medic in one of the first occupational troops in Tokyo. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge and First Baptist church. He retired from farming in 1983.

Surviving are his wife; a son, Glynn Durrett of Jasper; a daughter, Jan Harkey of Fort Worth; a brother, Kenneth Durrett of Cordova Tenn., and three grandchildren.

The family suggests memorials to First Baptist Church Building Fund, 411 Seventh St., Abernathy, TX 79311.

Plainview Daily Herald ? Sept. 29, 2000

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