Audrey Janelle Delgado
Born: February 17th, 1999
Died: February 18th, 1999
Delgado, Audrey Janelle
Graveside services for Audrey Janelle Delgado, infant daughter of Oscar Delgado and Crystal Torrez of Abernathy, will be at 3 p.m. today in Abernathy Cemetery under direction of Abell Funeral Home of Abernathy. The Rev. Luis Dussan will officiate.
Audrey died Thursday, Feb. 18, 1999, in University Medical Center.
She was born Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1999.
Survivors include her parents; her grandparents, Sylvester and Nettie Torrez of Abernathy and Jose Guadalupe and Socorro Delgado of Abernathy; and her great-grandparents, Leonidos and Vicente Torrez of Abernathy and Antonio and Frences Ramirez of Idalou.
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