Victor Kyle Curry

Born: April 18th, 1961

Died: January 25th, 1998


Curry, Victor Kyle
RALLS- Graveside services for Victor Kyle Curry, 36, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Plainview Memorial Park with the Rev. Wendall Horn, pastor of Floydada First Methodist Church and the Rev. Kyle Streun, pastor of Olton First Baptist Church, officiating.
Burial arrangements are by Wood-Dunning Funeral Home.
Mr. Curry died at 6 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 25, 1998, at his ranch north of Ralls.
He was born April 18, 1961, in Muleshoe. He graduated from Olton High School and Tarleton University. He was manager of Eckerd Drug in Houston and moved back to this area where he raised show-quality sheep and lambs at his ranch for the area agricultural 4-H boys and girls.
He was a member of Metropolitan Community Church in Lubbock.
Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Curry of Jacksonville; two sisters, Billie Curry of Palestine and Torri Silvis of Angleton; and his grandmother, Wynona Curry of Olton.
Plainview Daily Herald- Jan. 27, 1998

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