Florrie Jewel Conway

Born: January 10th, 1920

Died: July 30th, 2004


Florrie Jewel Conway died Friday, July 30, 2004. She was born on Jan. 10, 1920 to parents Blanche Price and Ollie Mitchell Conway. A graduate of Floydada High School, Miss Conway received the Associate of Arts degree from Wayland Baptist College, then went on to complete the Bachelor of Arts degree from Baylor University in 1942. Miss Conway served as secretary at Travis Avenue Baptist Church in Fort Worth and Memorial Baptist Church in Temple before returning to Plainview as secretary to then-pastor of First Baptist Church, Dr. A. Hope Owen. At Dr. Owen's encouragement, Miss Conway earned her Master of Library Science degree at the University of Texas in 1955 and returned to Plainview to begin her 30-year tenure with Wayland. Miss Conway directed the move into the Van Howeling Library at Wayland Baptist University and served as Head Librarian and Associate Professor of Library Science until her retirement in 1985. In December of 2003, while a resident of Baptist Memorials Center in San Angelo, Miss Conway was presented the Distinguished Lifetime Service Award by Joe Provence, Director of Alumni Services, on behalf of the Association of Former Students of Wayland Baptist University. Miss Conway is survived by lifelong friends, as well as three nieces: Janelle Bettencourt of Fort Worth; Jo Dean (Mrs. Ralph) Salyers of Georgetown, and Sherry (Mrs. Daniel) White of Austin. Memorial contributions may be made to Baptist Memorials Center in San Angelo; First Baptist Church of San Angelo; or First Baptist Church of Plainview. Graveside services were held at 10 a.m. today in Plainview Cemetery with Dr. Travis Hart, pastor of First Baptist Church, officiating. Memorial services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, Aug. 9, in the Baptist Memorial Chapel in San Angelo with the Rev. Kyle Reese officiating. Arrangements are by Johnson's Funeral Home in San Angelo.

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