Samuel Edwin,Jr. Coleman

Born: April 2nd, 1918

Died: September 19th, 2004


Funeral services for S. E. "Sam" Coleman, Jr., 86, will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday in
Wood-Dunning Colonial Chapel with Colquitt Nash, minister of Ninth and Columbia Street
Church of Christ, officiating. Burial will be in Plainview Memorial Park by
Wood-Dunning Funeral Home. Mr. Coleman died at 5:25 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 19, 2004, in
Lubbock Heart Hospital. He was born April 2, 1918, in Slaton, the son of Linnie Tucker
and S.E. Coleman Sr. He graduated from Slaton High School and attended Texas Tech
University. He served in the U.S. Air Corps from 1942-46. He farmed in the Prairieview
and Hart communities from 1945 until his retirement in 1990. He was a member of Ninth
and Columbia Street Church of Christ. On June 9, 1943, he married Lydia Maye Lilley.
She died in 1977. He married Doris Layne Pemberton on Sept. 20, 1980. She died Oct. 24,
2001. He is survived by three sons, Sam Coleman of Plainview, Randy Coleman of
Weslaco and Harlon Coleman of Azle; two daughters, Marilyn McBride of a Cross Plains
and Ronda Parks of Lubbock; one sister, Ruth Ganus of San Angelo; 10 grandchildren and
7 great-grandchildren. A son, Gaylon; two sisters, Hazel Craig and Myrtle Baker, and one
grandson, John Samuel Coleman, are deceased. Memorials are suggested to Hale Country
Senior Citizens Center, Plainview VistaCare Hospice or to a favorite charity.
Plainview Daily Herald -- Sept. 20, 2004

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