Maurice, Mrs. (Vinnie Eloise Butcher) Coburn
Born: April 12th, 1914
Died: October 20th, 2015
Coburn, Maurice, Mrs. (Vinnie Eloise Butcher)
Vinnie Eloise Butcher Coburn, age 101 ? of Lubbock, passed away Tuesday, October 20, 2015.
Graveside services will be at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, October 23, 2015 at Plainview Memorial Park.
Eloise was born April 12, 1914 in Ardmore, Oklahoma to Glenn and Annette Mae Butcher. She and her mother lived with her grandfather and grandmother Butcher. Eloise had lots of relatives in Ardmore, where her uncle was a preacher in the Methodist church. Her grandfather, who was a Justice of the Peace, died when she was 15. She attended school there through 10th Grade. She and her mother moved to Reno Nevada and she attended high school there until her uncle, John Butcher sent for Eloise and her mother so they could attend a business school he owned. She would attend high school classes in the morning and business school in the afternoon. She became a very good typist and stenographer. Afterward, her mother put her on a bus and sent her back to Ardmore. She lived there with an aunt and uncle. Her family was close to another family there in Ardmore, the Carlocks. Mr. Carlock was an Oklahoma Senator. Senator Carlock sent for Eloise to come to work for him in Oklahoma City and she became a typist for the Water Works Administration that he worked with. When that department was phased out, she took a typing job in Baltimore, Maryland working for the Social Security Department. She transferred to Tulsa, OK because of the effect the big IBM machines had on her hearing and while there Eloise met her future husband, Maurice Coburn. He was working on a road project near Clinton, OK. They were married on February 13, 1943. After they were married, they moved to Austin where he obtained a degree in Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Unfortunately they were not able to have children but they were able to make many trips together and they shared a love for animals. Eloise's mother was very ill and she moved in with them. Eloise always stated that Maurice was excellent with his work. They all moved from Austin to Plainview and lived there for several years. Eloise and Maurice were married for 30 years until his passing in 1973. Both Maurice and Eloise's mother are buried in Plainview. Eloise then moved to Lubbock. She bought a townhouse next door to Madella Gowen and the two became the best of friends for years. They went on road trips together and enjoyed playing cards together. Eloise made many friends through her friendship with Madella. By this time in her life, Eloise had very few relatives left. Madella had such a kinship with Eloise that she asked her daughter Sharon to please take care of Eloise in the event of her passing away first.
Eloise's home church was Sunset Church of Christ in Lubbock. She attended there for many years but as her hearing digressed, she chose instead to stay home and read her Bible. She lived at Cottage Village in Lubbock where she lived for close to 15 years until she moved to "the Porch Swing", which she dearly loved.
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