Arthur Barton Cheves

Born: January 7th, 1912

Died: July 21st, 2002


Funeral services for Arthur Barton Cheves, 90, will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the 11th and Amarillo Street Church of Christ with J Henderson and Lewis Senter officiating. Burial will be in Petersburg Cemetery by Abell Funeral Home of Abernathy. Mr. Cheves died Sunday morning, July 21, 2002, in Plainview. He was born Jan. 7, 1912, in Oklahoma. He had lived in Petersburg from 1948 until moving to Hart in 1956. He moved to Plainview in 1974. He was a member of the 11th and Amarillo Street Church of Christ. On Nov. 27, 1933, he married Julia Louise Newton in Hale County. Survivors include his wife; four daughters, Rita Harvey of Willard, Mo., Judith Davis and Brenda Farr, both of Lubbock, and Kathy Norris of St. Cloud, Fla.; 10 grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. A daughter, Linda Lee Cheves, died July 9, 1953. The family suggests memorials to Cal Farley?s Boys Ranch, P.O. Box 1890, Amarillo, TX 79174, or to the 11th and Amarillo Street Church of Christ Building Fund, 2800 W. 11th St., Plainview, TX 79072. The body will be at Wood-Dunning Funeral Home today and Tuesday.
Plainview Daily Herald - July 22, 2002

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