Ashley Denise Carrales
Born: July 13th, 2000
Died: July 21st, 2000
Carrales, Ashely Denise
Funeral services for Ashley Denise Carrales, infant daughter of Daniel Carrales and Patricia Salazar, were at 10 a.m. Saturday in Lemons Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Gerard Kenney, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, officiating.
Burial was in Plainview Memorial Park by Lemons Funeral Home.
The child was born July 13, 2000, in Lockney and died at 1:20 a.m. Friday, July 21, 2000 in University Medical Center in Lubbock.
In addition to her parents, survivors are grandparents, John Carrales and Lorenza Avila and Andres M. and Alma Salazar, all of Plainview, and great-grandparents, Lydia Carrlaes of Kingsville and Eusebio and Josefina Salazar of Plainview.
Plainview Daily Herald ? July 23, 2000
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